Fire & Rescue Service
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This is #ChimneyFireSafetyWeek.

This is #ChimneyFireSafetyWeek.

Are you planning to start using an open fire?

Dust and debris can build up or blockages can occur if your chimney / open fire has not been used regularly, including over the summer months. Reduce the chance of a chimney fire. Get your chimney swept. Use a registered chimney sweep.

Find out more with our downloadable ‘Chimney Safety, Stoves and Carbon Monoxide’ leaflet here: https://www.firescotland.gov.uk/.../sfrs_chimneysafety...

Web info: https://www.firescotland.gov.uk/at-home/chimneys/





Every Tuesday you should 'push the button' to test your alarms, keep yourself safe by making sure that your alarms are functioning.


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Message Sent By
WC Coates
(Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, On Call Support Watch Commander, Scottish Borders East)

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