Keeping our Rural Communities Safe

The rural communities of Scotland are amongst the safest places in which to live, work or spend time. Much of the crime prevention advice available through Rural Watch Scotland is equally relevant to urban or rural areas, but there are issues unique to rural communities such as:

  • Protecting Livestock
  • Securing Farm Machinery
  • Theft from fuel tanks
  • Securing tools and horse tack
  • Protecting Scotland’s wildlife

As a result there are some crime prevention tips particularly relevant to rural life that are worth bearing in mind.

Neighbourhood Watch Scotland recognise that crime and other threats to safety and security can take many forms. To get practical tips on how to keep you, your family and your community safe you can download our Safer Neighbourhoods Stronger Communities booklet - Click here.

Free hard copies of the booklet are also available through the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland website. Click here to access the products page.

Rural Watch Scotland is also a partnership with the National Farmers Union of Scotland. To find out more about them, the support they provide to Scotland's rural communities and their member benefits click here.