Our community and learning development team (CLD) warmly invites you to their Community Support Showcase Event on 15 October. This event is all about bringing our services directly to you, right in the heart of your Perth City North community. Join us and partners from 10am until 2pm and take the opportunity to explore the revamped facilities at the Letham Hub. At the event, you’ll find the Perth CLD Team sharing adult learning opportunities. Our Skills and Employment Team will be on hand to chat about their futures for families’ campaign, while Skills and Development will have careers advisors available to discuss your future career options. Your local Police Scotland, Safer Communities team, Adult Protection, Trading Standards and Perthshire Welfare Society will be present to discuss any local issues. Neighbourhood Watch Scotland will explain how to become a neighbourhood watch area. Customer Services (PKC) will help you apply for your National Entitlement Card. Learn more about volunteering opportunities from Letham 4 All and mental wellbeing support from Trauma Healing Together, Mindspace and the volunteer platform, be the change. Live Active will also be available to conduct basic health assessments and provide lifestyle advice and activity support options. The Home Energy Advice Team will offer home energy advice and tips, arrange home visits, and help with understanding energy bills. Scottish Fire and Rescue will share tips on how to keep your home safe from fire. Come along and discover the support available to you. We look forward to seeing you there! |