Bike Security
Thieves will routinely carry bolt croppers or even battery powered angle grinders and light weight, poor quality locks offer very little resistance and are easily overcome. As a rough guide consider spending at least 10% of the value of the bike on a lock.
Photograph your bike and record all of your bike’s details and distinguishing features and keep in a safe place. The serial number can be found on the bottom bracket. Consider using a bike registration scheme such as ‘Bike Register’ to mark your bicycle. Not only is this a deterrent to thieves but should you be unlucky enough to have your bicycle stolen it increases the chances of getting your bicycle back.
If you are solely relying on your home insurance policy for cover, it may be worth making contact with them if your bike is valued at over £400, policies often will only pay this amount unless the bike is specified on the policy.
We advise everyone to look at their buildings through the eyes of a thief. Start by looking at the grounds of their property and think about lighting and fencing. Are there any loose objects lying about which could be used by the thieves to help force entry to the premises? CCTV is a useful tool but it must be remembered that CCTV on its own is not a deterrent to criminality and should always be combined with appropriate physical security.
Hide the contents from view using protective grills or covers on windows if appropriate and ensure property is locked away at night or when not in use, not only to prevent them being stolen, but to prevent them being utilised to gain further access or potentially cause damage.
If you have an intruder alarm, consider extending it to cover sheds, garages and outbuildings and ensure that there is a visible external sounder box. If not consider battery powered motion detector alarms, readily available online.
Illuminate the exterior of your garage. Outdoor security lighting is an excellent deterrent for intruders, especially when you opt for a motion sensor light. It can also bring illumination to your outdoor areas, bringing you better security.
Further advice can be obtained by contacting Police Scotland Crime Reduction Officers at:
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